AI / ML in enterprises: Challenges

Organizations need to keep up with the times for long term sustenance and with AI / ML becoming pervasive across business domains, every firm nowadays has teams trying to leverage machine learning algorithms to stay competitive.

In this blog, I will cover the top five challenges that they encounter after initial euphoria with proof of concepts (POC) and pilots.

  1. Lack of understanding: AI / ML has the potential to transform technology and business processes across the organization and create new revenue streams, mitigate risks or save costs. However, AI / ML is not a substitute for subject matter expertise. A discussion among novices will throw up a million possibilities and ML can appear to be an appropriate solution to all world problems. While machine learning is based on the ability of machine to learn by themselves, training the algorithms with appropriate data is an important aspect that can be done only by experts. To generate meaningful results, data scientists need to work in unison with business and technology professionals. Data scientists bring deep understanding of ML algorithms, business professionals identify meaningful features and data engineers help secure data from different sources that will eventually become feature set. As one can see, good understanding of ML across the organization is important to identify the right problems to solve and lack of it is the most important challenge that prevents enterprises from deriving benefit despite investment.
  2. Lack of IT infrastructure: As I had mentioned in my original ML post, machine learning came to prominence due to significant information technology advances in processing power and data storage. Enterprises can acquire the required compute power through cloud providers and many organizations also choose to build their own parallel processing infrastructure. The decision to leverage cloud vs. building internal infrastructure is based on a number of factors like regulations, scale and most importantly cost considerations. Either ways, without this investment, ML programs will not go too far. Some organizations invest in requisite hardware but fail to provide the software and database platforms required for data scientists and technologists to leverage this infrastructure. Most machine and deep learning platforms and tools used for development are open source. However, this open source cost advantage is offset by the numerous options available for ML development and there is no one size fits all solution. To summarize, the second challenge is to create powerful IT infrastructure required for ML development and deployment.
  3. Lack of Data: With good understanding and infrastructure, this challenge should be addressed but data is foundational for ML and I have listed this out separately to call out the nuances. Data should be available in sufficient quantity and with good quality for meaningful results. Data preparation is an important step – wrangling, munging, feature scaling, mean normalization, labeling and creating an appropriate feature set are essential disciplines. It is a challenge to identify problems that have requisite data at scale and prepare this data for machine learning algorithms to work on.
  4. Lack of talent: Going by the number of machine learning projects that fail to meet their purpose, the ability of existing teams across enterprises is questionable. Any technology is only as good as people working on them. A few technologies have managed to simplify the work expected from programmers (just drag and drop or configuration driven). However, machine learning still requires deep math skills and thorough understanding of algorithms. So, finding suitable talent is particularly difficult.
  5. Regulations & policies: In a diverse world with myriad regional nuances, decisions made by machines tend to undergo a lot more scrutiny than ones made by humans. Our societies are still in paranoia of machines taking over humans and governments all over the world have regulations that require proof of decisions made by machines to be fair and without bias. This challenge is made more complex by interpreters of regulations inside an enterprise who place unnecessary controls that might not address the regulation but impede ML development. So, it is important for policies to address regulatory concerns without derailing ML development.

Finally, enterprises are riddled with politics and it is possible to address all above challenges only when business, technology and other supporting functions work together seamlessly. Start-ups and technology organizations that are relatively new keep it simple and are more adept at solving these challenges. Large enterprises that have added layers of internal complexity over the years naturally find it more difficult to overcome differences and solve the same challenges.